Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hmmm.... in school or not, Socialization takes place.....

This was posted on a message board by an unschooler, and responded to by an unschooler:

>>>I just know well the
damage mean kids can do to one's self esteem and I hate that!!!<<<

I think that *can* be true but I don't think it has to be true. When we are faced with a child or anyone doing something hurtful we talk about how they are most likely hurting and that they are lashing out. We don't take their lashing out into our hearts, we talk about letting it just pass on through, not "stick" and if at all possible try to reach out and turn it around. I think we can do that because our foundation is family and respect. My memories of "cruel" children were from school and it was REALLY hard in that environment because I was on my own. It's really different for us, the bulk of my girls' interactions are respectful so the ones that aren't are aberrant and treated as such. There is no situation that controls us, we have ample choices and choices empower.

I know some believe the world to be a cruel place. I have not found that to be the case, I think it's filled with wonderful people and ample opportunity for joyful interactions. And as I believe it, it is so :)

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